learning for individual minds

Posts Tagged ‘attention

I’ve been astonished lately at how often students, professionals, and families are missing basic information about attention-related challenges. These are often simple awarenesses that can be hugely helpful as an individual plans and implements strategies to manage themselves well and be happily functional even with significant attention challenges.

As well, challenges with attention often run in families. If you are the family member of a student who struggles with related issues such as time awareness, difficulty with project completion, etc, you may wish to see if any of the information resonates with you personally. That insight may be of great benefit as you support others dealing with ADD/ADHD.

Here is a very short list of some good, basic resources – I encourage you to explore them, and then explore further, focusing on the aspects that are most relevant for you, your student, or your family member (note: I have no personal or professional affiliation with any of these organizations; I simply have found their resources to be useful):

basic info on ADD/ADHD, incl diagnosis in adults & links to many more resources:


ADD coach Jennifer Koretsky’s wonderfully encouraging list of the benefits of having ADD:


health-oriented info on ADD/ADHD, incl supportive lifestyle tips & helpful supplements:


Adding to your understanding of attention challenges can only help (just don’t try to learn everything at once!)